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A Little Sense

Making sense of critical theory one text at a time


“What, then, is truth? A mobile army of metaphors, metonymies, anthropomorphisms.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

What is Critical Theory?

New to critical theory? Read this guide to get started.

Louis Althusser

“Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses”

Franz Fanon

“The Fact of Blackness

Black Skin, White Masks

Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno

“The Culture Industry”

Ferdinand de Saussure

Course in General Linguistics

J.L. Austin

“Performative Utterances

Michel Foucault

“The Repressive Hypothesis”

The History of Sexuality

Laura Mulvey

“Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema”

Susan Sontag

“Against Interpretation”

Walter Benjamin

“The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility

Michel Foucault

“The Order of Discourse”

Jean-François Lyotard

“What is Postmodernism?”

Susan Sontag

“In Plato’s Cave” On Photography

Judith Butler

“Performative Acts and Gender Constitution

Sigmund Freud The Interpretation of Dreams

Friedrich Nietzsche
“On Truth and Lying”

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